Shielding International
P-SM Pediatric Smock Top
P-SM Pediatric Smock Top
Pediatric Smock Top features front and back protection with two adjustable hook and loop closures, one at the upper waist and one at the lower hip. Also has an adjustable shoulder for ease of putting apron on and adjusting around breast/shoulder area. Because of the versatility in fit, it accommodates a wide range of wearers. Shoulder pads included
Model# | Size | Measures: W x L |
P-SM-S | Small | 12" x 20" (30.5 x 50.8 cm) |
P-SM-M | Medium | 14" x 22" (35.6 x 53.3 cm) |
P-SM-L | Large | 16" x 24" (40.6 x 61 cm) |
Protection Options:
- 0.5mm Pb Eq : RL-Reg Lead, TL-TL Lite Ply, NL-Non Lead, LF-Lead Free Bi-layer
- 0.35mm Pb Eq: RLL-Reg Lead, TLL-TL Lite Ply, NLL-Non Lead, LFL-Lead Free Bi-layer